Camera Caught a dragonfly sex

LONDON - Mark Bridger managed to capture the exact moment when the two tailed dragonflyis along with the position of a heart shape. There are other insects that also wantto join.

The picture looks like an arrow that flew on board the liver. In other words, itis like a symbol of "Cupid's Arrow", which is known as the God ofLove in Greek mythology.

MoreCamera Caught a dragonfly sex

World's oldest nuclear plant closes

Oldbury on Severn - a nuclear power plant (NPP) of the oldest in the world todayfinally closed. Nuclear power plants in the UK, had previously been operatedfor 44 years.

Although this nuclear power plant will cease to operate, but in 2025 the comingof a similar plant will be built not far from the old nuclear power plants. Villagersin Oldbury certainly can not deny it, because the government has set.

MoreWorld's oldest nuclear plant closes

This Arab Men 40 Years of Life at Sea

RIYADH - It is not surprising if someone likes something and hope to have it. Howeverit will be strange when feeling like it turned into an obsession that isdifficult to control.

Just as experienced by a man from Saudi Arabia Mohammed Al Jaafari Motaen who saidhe was very fond of the sea. Jaafari said that even his love of the sea that hasmade him decide to move and live in the sea since 40 years ago.

Not just stay and live in the sea, Jaafari was apparently expressed her desire tobe buried at sea when he has no future.

"When I die, I prefer to be buried in the seabed," he said as quoted Emirates247Jafaari Thursday (08/03/2012).
MoreThis Arab Men 40 Years of Life at Sea

Life Operation Rescue Victims Swallow

LONDON - British Prime Minister David Cameron announced a British citizen andan Italian citizen was killed in a rescue operation led by the British elite.

 One of the kidnapping victim is killed Chris McManus

"Previous arrangements were made for the rescue operation of McManus andChris Franco Lamolinara. Nigeria Government to do this operation with supportfrom the UK. But with regret I must announce that they were both killed in therescue operation," said British Prime Minister David Cameron as quoted AFPFriday (09/03/2012).

MoreLife Operation Rescue Victims Swallow

Rose Bulls Win, Lakers Lose Again

Milwaukee - the hero DerrickRose Chicago Bulls victory over the Milwaukee Bucks in the NBA continued. Elsewhere, the Los AngelesLakers have lost two in a row.

In a match at the BradleyCenter, Milwaukee, Thursday (08/03/2012) morning local time, standing still asstrong as the 104-104 remaining 24 seconds. At that time, the ball is in theBulls camp.

Rose is carrying the ball andthen took him to the Bucks defense area. He then stopped just above the3-point line and shoot. Ball into the basket and ringthe bell signaled the end of the game. Bullswin 106-104.
MoreRose Bulls Win, Lakers Lose Again

Messi Create History with Five Goals

Barcelona - Lionel Messi has been a year did not score a goal at Camp Nou inthe Champions League. 364 days later he was "breaking the fast" whilecreating a new history in European competition terelit.

Messi scored the last time at home is on the second leg 16 of the Arsenal lastseason. When it bought up all the winning goal Messi Azulgrana 4-1.

Later in the season, Messi was "only" able to make a goal at homeagainst such a goal against Shakhtar Donetsk and serve two goals when Real Madrid.Also created a goal against Manchester United in the Wembley final.
MoreMessi Create History with Five Goals

Most sweet thing for Messi

After scoring five goals for Barcelona in the Champions League and helpedthe team to the quarter-finals, Barcelona striker Lionel Messi, did not want tothink of it as his personal achievement. For him, it is offering for the teamto be kept going. There was no other motivation.

"The most sweet of it, to me, is that the team continues to play a game withsuch good shape now. Win the game and continue to qualify for the next round inthe Champions League so far as our abilities," he said as reported by ESPNStar.

MoreMost sweet thing for Messi

Similar Gorillas Human Genetic

Scientists from the University of Cambridge successfully sequenced thegenomes of gorillas and revealed that gorillas are genetically close to humansalso have, like chimpanzees and orangutans.

The results were published in the journal Nature, published on Thursday(08/03/2012).

Through research, scientists know that humans and gorillas share 98 percent ofthe DNA. Meanwhile, it is known that humans share 97 percent DNA with 99percent of the orangutan and chimpanzee DNA.
According to scientists, the percentage of similarity illustrates the evolutionof humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.
MoreSimilar Gorillas Human Genetic

Kobe Mosque, the Mosque The last of the Atomic Bomb and Earthquake Strikes

Kobe Mosque was the first mosque in Japan. This mosquewas built in 1928 in Nakayamate Dori, Chuo-ku. Kobe means gate of God orGod's gate.
In 1945, Japan's secondworld war. Japaneseattack on Pearl Harbor in American ports have made the U.S. government decidedto drop the first atomic bomb in a war.

And Japan wasdefeated. Two of hiscity, Nagasaki and Hiroshima was bombed by the U.S. Atomic. At thattime, the city of Kobe also did not miss the hefty price. Kobe arguably be razedto the ground.

Whenthe buildings around it is almost flush with the ground, Kobe Muslim Mosquestill standing upright. Thismosque suffered only cracks on the outer walls and all windows had been broken.Theexterior of the mosque became a bit of black smoke bomb attack. Japanesesoldiers who took refuge in the basement of the mosque survived the bombthreats, as well as concealed weapons. Thismosque became the victims of war camps.

MoreKobe Mosque, the Mosque The last of the Atomic Bomb and Earthquake Strikes

Fraud in the U.S. Revealed Again

HOUSTON. Cases of financial fraud in the U.S. revealed again. Texasmillionaire, R Allen Stanford, was found guilty by a court for committing fraudwith a Ponzi scheme. Amount of losses incurred 7 billion U.S. dollars.

The case was revealed in a court in Houston, Texas, USA, Tuesday (6/3). Ponzischeme is the nickname for the practice of gathering chain, which isessentially a fraud.

It at once reminded the audience about the Bernard Madoff Ponzi scheme thatalso uses the profits from the client. Madoff has been sentenced to 150 yearsin prison.

MoreFraud in the U.S. Revealed Again

One Night Stand "Moon and Mars

Offers stunning views of the sky again. Wednesday (07/03/2012) tonight, Marswill be a duet with the moon all night.

Both of these celestial bodies will appear close together, separated only 10 degrees.They like to enjoy one night stand. Because, before and after tonight, they willappear more distant.

Duo of Mars and the Moon can be seen from dusk. However, it would be optimal ifit enjoyed when the sun is completely submerged, starting roughly around 19:00 pm.

MoreOne Night Stand "Moon and Mars

Psoriasis Associated with HIV Protection

Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease, a disease where the immune system attacksthe body itself. The result is skin reddened, itchy and scaly.

More recently, scientists found that people with psoriasis have a genetic variationthat help protect themselves from adverse HIV-1 virus.

MorePsoriasis Associated with HIV Protection

Ancient stunted camel found in Panama

Aldo Rincon, paleontology student at the University of Florida at Gainesville, foundthe fossils of ancient mini camel. The fossil was discovered in excavations at thesite paleontology Las Casacadas, Panama, between the years 2008-2009.

Identification showed that the fossils were found is owned by two species of camels,which Aguascalietia panamaensis and Aguascalientia minuta. Both camels are livingin Central America 20 million years ago, had a snout like a crocodile and a shortand sharp teeth.
MoreAncient stunted camel found in Panama

These fish prey Sawing

The team of scientists of University of Queensland, Australia, led by BarbaraWueringer saws observed feeding behavior of fish (Pristis Microdon).

They found that the fish kill prey in a way that the human point of view can besaid to be cruel. Prey sawed off and struck the muzzle of fish saw.

Fish saws saws have similar structures to help prey on fish. The structure hasa receptor that detects the electric field and the movement of water due to thepresence of prey.
With the structure of these saws, saws ripping fish prey fish that have died. Penyobekanlasted a while until the prey's body split. Afterwards, the fish saw the muzzleaction.
MoreThese fish prey Sawing

disguised man, 20 year girl cheating girlfriend

LONDON - ABritish girl disguisedmen and cheating girlfriend.She wore baggy clothes to cover her body curves.

The 20-year-old woman made ​​a new identityto relate to othergirls who become victims, viasocial networking sites like Facebook.

Victims begin to suspect and report to the police station. Finally, the police managedto arrest him and put him in jail for twoand a half years for sexual offenses. Soreported Emirates247, Tuesday(03/06/2012).

Moredisguised man, 20 year girl cheating girlfriend

Odd Sheep Have two chief

SAWALHA - Lamb did not include rare or protected animal because its populationis declining. But a different story when the sheep has two heads.

However, a sheep born in the South City Sawalha, Saudi Arabia is able toattract the attention of many people. How not, this sheep has two heads and twomouths. However, this sheep has only two eyes are almost fused.
MoreOdd Sheep Have two chief

Barcelona vs Bayer Leverkusen

Barcelona vs Bayer Leverkusenpredictions. Predictions match Barca vs Bayer Leverkusen. Barcelona do notunderestimate the arrival of Bayer Leverkusen to the Camp Nou to carry secondleg Champions League round of 16, early morning. Despite winning 3-1 at thefirst meeting, did not make the coach Josep Guardiola relaxed withrepresentatives of the Bundesliga.

Guardiola saw Leverkusen will come without expense to the Barcelona.Apalagi,Robin Dutt forces are in a state full of confidence after successfullydefeating Bayern Munich 2-0 in the Bundesliga on Saturday (3/3).

MoreBarcelona vs Bayer Leverkusen

Take Prince Harry Dating Katy Perry

London:the latest gossip, news regarding the British royal family. Prince Harry took datingKaty Perry. Earlier there was news that Katy Perry was asked to perform at the concertcelebration of The Queen's Diamond Jubilee in June. At first the intention toinvite Perry because Prince Harry is fond of her songs. But lately it seems reasonto shift, loneliness Katy Perry's sexy to seduce the smitten prince.
MoreTake Prince Harry Dating Katy Perry

Leverkusen Can Get rid of Barca?

After AC Milan certainly qualify for next round aggregate win over Arsenal after, waiting for the certainty of the next pass will face Bayer Leverkusen when they travel to the headquarters of Barcelona on Thursday (8/3) early morning. Trials to advance to the next round of pretty severe considering Leverkusen lost at home to Barcelona with a score of 1-3.

Statistically supported Leverkusen trouble Barca victory in 13 unbeaten home games European football since October 2009. Messi and his friends into a team of highly respected in Europe. Moreover, Leverkusen did not win any competition over the last ten years.

But Leverkusen coach Robin Dutt will still lose the best players the best team in Europe. This opportunity will be utilized to measure the ability of Leverkusen. Stefan Kiessling, Leverkusen striker hopes his team win the last three weeks may bring its own luck against Barca.

While Barca will play without Messi and Alexis Sanchez was injured in the face Sporting Gijon on Saturday last [read: 10 players, Barca Roll Gijon]. Although sound impossible, but the coach, Pep Guardiola believes Leverkusen can win. Although his team ahead 3-1 in the first leg, Barca midfielder Sergio Busquet Leverkusen rate as opposed to watch.
MoreLeverkusen Can Get rid of Barca?

Messi hunt Muller Records

Barcelona: Barcelona star Lionel Messi became the top scorer in the ChampionsLeague three consecutive seasons. If this season Barca kept going, Messi likelyto equal the record the legend of Germany, Gerd Muller, the top scorer of themost prestigious club tournament in Europe was as much as four times in a row.

In the 2008-09 season, Messi scored so miners, 9 goals, beat Steven Gerrard (Liverpool)and Miroslav Klose (then playing with Bayern Munich), which are both collecting7 goals. In the 2009-2010 season, Messi sat on the top list of top goal scorer withthe number 8, just one goal ahead of Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo and Munichstriker Ivica Olic. Last season, 2010-2011, Messi is very productive, 12 goals,well ahead of four goals from Mario Gomez (Munich) and Samuel Eto'o (then playingwith Inter Milan).

MoreMessi hunt Muller Records

British athletes at the Olympic Prohibited Shaking hands

London: A warning is given to hunters British athletes in the Olympic goldmedal in London. The athlete is best to not shake hands shake hands with hisrival alias. If you still want to shake hands they could follow the tips of themedical team.

British Olympic officials fear the gold medal athlete hunters such as Victoria Pendletonand Rebecca Adlington could be attacked by the disease. Even the head of themedical team from the British Olympic Association (BOA), Dr Ian McCurdie, TeamGBstar warned to keep their hands if they want to maintain their dreams.

He said that every disease comes from "a pretty stressful environment"that could affect performance. And he requested that restrict athletes shakehands.
MoreBritish athletes at the Olympic Prohibited Shaking hands

The Origins of War Israel vs Palestine

All thatcan be explained if kmu d know the history and the history of the Jews
This conflict is a conflictwhich has lasted over 60 years of diving.

look at the causes of conflictfrom the outset, the point is seizing the Gaza Strip, West Bank and EastJerusalem.

Israel is a country founded forthe Jews.
The Jews are a people without ahomeland and scattered all over the world d.
Because the cases experienced bythe Jewish Holocaust by Nazi Germany, d decided to provide a place for Jews toreside.

MoreThe Origins of War Israel vs Palestine

The mystery of "Robin Hood" Gegerkan Germany

A shocking mystery of a city in Germany. As reported by BBC, March 5,2012, in the City of Braunschweig, someone who knows who, to distribute moneyto the town, in significant amounts.

Money is distributed, up to 10,000 euro was put in a white envelope.Interestingly, the "Robin Hood" is sometimes put in place the moneyis hidden. For example, under the mat. Or behind a sheet belonging to a churchhymn book dispossessed clergy.

MoreThe mystery of "Robin Hood" Gegerkan Germany

The story of Barack Obama Transvestite Small Caregivers

Atone time, Evie have treated "Barry"Obama, a child wholater grew into themost powerful men in the world. Obamais now livetransgender caregivers fear on the streets, workedas a laundry worker.

This photo shows Maya Soetoro-Ng in his book, "Ladder tothe Moon," athis home in Honolulu. Soetoro-Ng, sister ofPresident Obama, wrote about their motherAnn Dunham forhis latest inspiration.Maya Soetoro isone of Evie aka Turdi care.
This photo shows Maya Soetoro-Ng with his sonSuhaila Ng, 6,and his book, "Ladderto the Moon,"at his home in Honolulu.Soetoro-Ng, sisterof President Obama, wrote about their motherAnn Dunham forhis latest inspiration.Maya Soetoro isone of Evie aka Turdi care.
MoreThe story of Barack Obama Transvestite Small Caregivers

The story of Barack Obama Transvestite Small Caregivers

Atone time, Evie have treated "Barry"Obama, a child wholater grew into themost powerful men in the world. Obamais now livetransgender caregivers fear on the streets, workedas a laundry worker.

MoreThe story of Barack Obama Transvestite Small Caregivers