Similar Gorillas Human Genetic

Scientists from the University of Cambridge successfully sequenced thegenomes of gorillas and revealed that gorillas are genetically close to humansalso have, like chimpanzees and orangutans.

The results were published in the journal Nature, published on Thursday(08/03/2012).

Through research, scientists know that humans and gorillas share 98 percent ofthe DNA. Meanwhile, it is known that humans share 97 percent DNA with 99percent of the orangutan and chimpanzee DNA.
According to scientists, the percentage of similarity illustrates the evolutionof humans, chimpanzees, gorillas and orangutans.

Genomic data indicate that the human genome apart from the orangutans 14million years ago, 10 million years ago, gorillas and chimpanzees 6 millionyears ago.

Scientists hope that by knowing the genomes of humans, gorillas, chimpanzeesand orangutans, four evolutionary processes can be described.

"I think, in the next 20-30 years we will have a deeper understanding ofwhat is happening genetically in our evolutionary history, and how these genesaffect the brain and other parts so as to form modern humans like us,"said Richard Durbin of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, who led the study,as quoted by the BBC on Wednesday (03/07/2012).

Through research, scientists also revealed that although in general men nearerto the chimps, 15 percent of the human genome actually closer to the gorillaand the chimpanzee genome 15 percent closer to the gorillas.

One example of a human gene that has similarity with the gorillas is a genethat makes humans and gorillas are able to hear better.

Meanwhile, some genetic differences between humans and gorillas are alsorevealed.

One difference between humans and gorillas is that humans do not have a genethat triggers the growth of keratin protein in the books.

Another difference is in the genes of sperm. In humans, there is a gene thatallows the sperm cells compete with each other. Meanwhile, the gorilla does nothave similar genes.

"Gorilla live in groups consisting of one male and many females, so notmuch opportunity for sperm to compete," said Tyler Smith is also involvedin this study as quoted by National Geographic, Wednesday.

Gorilla genome revealed by research on a name We're the female gorilla from thezoo in San Diego. Scientists studied 11 000 genes contained in these giorila.

Scientists hope this research can reveal how humans evolved, so has theintelligence, develop language, culture and science.

Now there remains one large primates that have not been genetically mapped, theBonobo. Project is being prepared now.

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