The Origins of War Israel vs Palestine

All thatcan be explained if kmu d know the history and the history of the Jews
This conflict is a conflictwhich has lasted over 60 years of diving.

look at the causes of conflictfrom the outset, the point is seizing the Gaza Strip, West Bank and EastJerusalem.

Israel is a country founded forthe Jews.
The Jews are a people without ahomeland and scattered all over the world d.
Because the cases experienced bythe Jewish Holocaust by Nazi Germany, d decided to provide a place for Jews toreside.

After a very long process thatfinally in 1948, the Jews proclaimed the State of Israel. With this independence, theideals of the Jewish people are scattered in various parts of the world toestablish their own state, is reached. By the UK they offered to selectareas of Argentina, Uganda, or Palestine to be occupied, but prefer mrkPalestine. Since the beginning of Israelhad not accepted its presence in Palestine, even in areas where they are. Feeling has historicalattachment to Palestine, they finally came to Palestine berbondong2.

why Palestine? This conflict is related to theactual element dg religion, the Jews, eager to take atao occupy the Mount Zionand the surrounding areas (the Palestinians, including Gaza, the West Bank andeast Jerusalem) who believe the sacred and d them that the place of their god'sholy sites .

Dg arrival of the Jews toPalestine besar2an scr, Begin occur expropriation of Palestinians by Jewishsettlers. During this period, sporadicPalestinian resistance broke out.
Under the Sykes Picot agreementof 1915 which had been secretly and unilaterally placed Palestine under Britishrule. With the enactment of themandate system for Palestine, the British opened the door wide open for Jewishimmigrants and this has provoked an outcry loud Palestinians.

British action subsequently gaveits approval through the Balfour Declaration in 1917 that Jews have a place tolive in Palestine.
In 1947 the British mandate overPalestine ended and the United Nations took over power.
UNSecurity Council resolution. 181 (II) November 29, 1947divided Palestine into three parts. This gets a strong protest fromthe Palestinian population. They held a massivedemonstration against UN policy. Another case is done with theJews. With joy they held a celebrationof this great victory. The help of some Arab countriesin the form of weaponry flowing into Palestine.

What do the Jews in Palestinenot win regardless of the support of Britain and America. Thanks to these two great nationseventually be occupied Jewish Palestine by force, although the process to gothrough such a long and difficult. From 1918 to 1948, about 600,000Jews allowed to occupy the Palestinian territories.
1956, the Sinai Desert andIsrael controlled the Gaza Strip after the Islamist movement in the Arab regionand Abdul Qadir Audah beaten, Muhammad Firgholi, and Joseph Thol'at directlyinvolved in war with the Jews in Palestine were executed by the Egyptianregime. And in 1967, all the Palestinianterritories fell into the hands of Israel. The incident occurred afterstriking at the Islamic Movement and the hanging of Sayyid Qutb very feared theJews. In 1977, the attack on Lebanonand the Camp David agreement, sponsored by the late Anwar Sadat of Egypt.

Finally, formed Hamas as a formof organization of the Palestinian people who want to release the territory ofIsrael with hard-line population (eye d back of the eye).
So, in short, Israel attackedthe Palestinians to expand its territory and obtain d wilayah2 who want it,including the Gaza Strip.
dg spiritual reasons (take backthe holy daerah2 mrk) justify the means even if they have to kill orang2innocent man.

whereas, Jerusalem was the citysacred to three religions, namely Islam, Christianity and Judaism.
by the Jewish elite of Israel,the holy city was made part of the country d. Yet according to the UNInternational city is the city because it has some religious thdp interests.
Currently, if we wanted to visitJerusalem, it is very difficult because the d strict guard by Israel who haveFeeling.

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