The mystery of "Robin Hood" Gegerkan Germany

A shocking mystery of a city in Germany. As reported by BBC, March 5,2012, in the City of Braunschweig, someone who knows who, to distribute moneyto the town, in significant amounts.

Money is distributed, up to 10,000 euro was put in a white envelope.Interestingly, the "Robin Hood" is sometimes put in place the moneyis hidden. For example, under the mat. Or behind a sheet belonging to a churchhymn book dispossessed clergy.

Generous that went into effect last November when a story about a family whowere victims of robbery contained a local newspaper, Braunschweiger Zeitung. Afew days later, the victim received a white envelope containing 500 euros inhis mailbox, along with a copy of the article which tells the story of woe.

Suddenly, a resident of the city through the day with enthusiasm, hoping thatsome new news about the discovery of the envelope of the benefactor.Speculation of "Robin Hood" is in their midst spread.

So far, at least ada2 0 envelope is delivered to your door charities andvictims of crime in Braunschweig. Total funds he distributed at least 190 000euro, to nursing homes, kindergartens, libraries, soup kitchens. The entireenvelope with a piece of paper containing the story of the recipient.

One of the envelopes sent to a family, where their son, Tom, had a severedisability because of an accident while swimming. "I was driving when heheard the news of the money sent to my address," said his mother, ClaudiaNeumann.
He claimed to have pulled up suddenly, amazed, and could not say anything."For someone who does no strings attached, which act in such anindividualistic society that thinks only of himself. It was amazing," saidhe, as published in The Sun.
After the accident, Tom can only communicate through the computer. The mothersaid, when she told him about the prize money, his son clapped with joy.

The money is planned to be used to enlarge the entrance of their houses, to bewheelchair accessible. Also to pay for treatment that the insurance companydenied his claim.
Excitement about this, a newspaper editor Braunschweiger Zeitung, Henning Noskewas eager to ask the public to reveal the human figure is generous. Because, ifit's done, it could be donated to the people who actually need to be stopped."Maybe he was an old man who will die," he said. Or a robber of therich booty was distributed to poor people.

Instead of "Robin Hood" first

Robin Hood is a figure in English folklore. He was a nobleman who becameenemies of the Sheriff of Nottingham or Prince John, against corrupt officialsfor the benefit of the people: to rob the rich and corrupt and giving awaypossessions to the poor.

However, this legend so often inspired in Germany. In 2009 there was a story inwhich a woman nicknamed "banker Robin Hood". In secret, he transfersmoney from rich clients to U.S. $ 11 million to clients who are poor. In 117transfers. The mode, he disguises it as a loan transfer.

As published by the BBC, she was sentenced to four years of criminal law.However, the court decided to give immediate relief because the perpetratorconfessed, and no personal gain for his actions. Actors are also considered tohave a socially sanctioned form of lost jobs, and have been obliged to pay themoney which he removed.

Bonn court dropped criminal for 22 months, but in the end his detentionsuspended.

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