One Night Stand "Moon and Mars

Offers stunning views of the sky again. Wednesday (07/03/2012) tonight, Marswill be a duet with the moon all night.

Both of these celestial bodies will appear close together, separated only 10 degrees.They like to enjoy one night stand. Because, before and after tonight, they willappear more distant.

Duo of Mars and the Moon can be seen from dusk. However, it would be optimal ifit enjoyed when the sun is completely submerged, starting roughly around 19:00 pm.

Mars and the Moon will appear in the eastern sky just after the sun sank. Themoon will shine bright white, while Mars will emit orange light.

Month will appear with the magnitude -12.36, -1.21 bermagnitud while Mars. Magnitudeclaimed brightness of celestial bodies. The more negative, the bright celestialobjects in question.

Monday (05/03/2012) then, Mars has just reached the closest point to Earth sothat the red planet will still look bright. Currently, the distance of Mars toEarth is approximately 112 million kilometers.

The more nights, the Moon and Mars will be moving ever upward. Thus, to observe,the night vision must be directed more to the west.

Observations can be done anywhere. However, it would be better observed in thefield and a place with little light pollution. The telescope can be brought to observemore clearly.

If observed before at 20:30 pm, on the western horizon, Jupiter and Venus will alsoappear close together. While after 21.00 pm, Saturn also will begin to be seen onthe eastern horizon.

But, of course, the terms celestial body can be seen is a bright sky. So,expect clouds covered the sky and the rain was not happening tonight.

If you had watched them, very happy to share with You can share inthe form of text or photos via your Twitter account or Facebook Compass @ wJiUtomoScience. Congratulations to observe.

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