Camera Caught a dragonfly sex

LONDON - Mark Bridger managed to capture the exact moment when the two tailed dragonflyis along with the position of a heart shape. There are other insects that also wantto join.

The picture looks like an arrow that flew on board the liver. In other words, itis like a symbol of "Cupid's Arrow", which is known as the God ofLove in Greek mythology.

"I've got time to spare a few hours before returning to work. Finally, I decidedto go and take some pictures in a national park Sevenoaks," Bridger said asquoted by the Daily Mail, Wednesday (03/07/2012).

"Actually, I do not get the desired image. By accident I saw a two-tailed dragonflywith a heart and decided to capture it. I see no one else seems to want to join.It happened at the end of the summer," said a man aged 43 years.

"Up in the evening, when I want to save the picture, I just think that theposition of the dragonfly looks like an arrow being shot into a heart-shaped board.It's pretty amazing," he added.

"I showed the picture to my wife and she said, 'Funny, it looks like Cupid'sarrow'," said the father of one child.

Prior to mating, the male and female insects often make physical contact to assesstheir potential mates. The female insect insect male judge based on the shape andsize.

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