Camera Caught a dragonfly sex

LONDON - Mark Bridger managed to capture the exact moment when the two tailed dragonflyis along with the position of a heart shape. There are other insects that also wantto join.

The picture looks like an arrow that flew on board the liver. In other words, itis like a symbol of "Cupid's Arrow", which is known as the God ofLove in Greek mythology.

MoreCamera Caught a dragonfly sex

World's oldest nuclear plant closes

Oldbury on Severn - a nuclear power plant (NPP) of the oldest in the world todayfinally closed. Nuclear power plants in the UK, had previously been operatedfor 44 years.

Although this nuclear power plant will cease to operate, but in 2025 the comingof a similar plant will be built not far from the old nuclear power plants. Villagersin Oldbury certainly can not deny it, because the government has set.

MoreWorld's oldest nuclear plant closes

This Arab Men 40 Years of Life at Sea

RIYADH - It is not surprising if someone likes something and hope to have it. Howeverit will be strange when feeling like it turned into an obsession that isdifficult to control.

Just as experienced by a man from Saudi Arabia Mohammed Al Jaafari Motaen who saidhe was very fond of the sea. Jaafari said that even his love of the sea that hasmade him decide to move and live in the sea since 40 years ago.

Not just stay and live in the sea, Jaafari was apparently expressed her desire tobe buried at sea when he has no future.

"When I die, I prefer to be buried in the seabed," he said as quoted Emirates247Jafaari Thursday (08/03/2012).
MoreThis Arab Men 40 Years of Life at Sea